Unlock access to multiple, local work opportunities
One-click simplified signup & job application process
Fill in downtime in between your other platform work peak hours
Get more regular, consistent work
Still Spending Hours Applying For Multiple Driver Jobs Using Job Boards? Waiting Months to Onboard?
Why spend hours applying for multiple gig delivery driver jobs when you can access and apply to all of them in one place, with one easy click, AND enjoy an easier, much faster onboarding experience?
Ditch the old way of applying for gig work. Earn more, quickly by doing less. 100K+ drivers on Para regularly find new, high-paying long-term gig driver jobs near them.
Get exclusive access to local long-term work opportunities
Skip the line, and get pre-approved to work for big brands. Join our Partner teams to enjoy more consistent work and earnings.
Unlock Opportunities!
![a man and a woman sitting in a car looking at a cell phone](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/643a3434759b0200e5ea32a6/64ce96cce4c1fe11d79388d1_File%2012.webp)
Seamless Integration!
Enjoy “one-click apply” & expedited onboarding
Sign up for multiple gigs at once! With ParaPass, you get to skip the line & just complete the onboarding essentials.
One Click Apply For These Delivery Driver Jobs Today Using ParaPass
*Currently only available in some markets
Food Delivery
Catering Delivery
Package Delivery
Alcohol Delivery